Emici Livet Light Heart Bouquet


As I write this, I can hear children laughing and counting backward to play hide and seek. If there is anything more representative of a light heart than that, I do not know what it is. Light Heart ,the Emici Livet bouquet, is all about love. A pure love that will never fade. It supports you, it endures with you and provides optimism, support and ease. A simple fact that you are loved simply. You can rest easy because there will always be someone who will want the very best for you. Whether it is near or far, it won’t be dimmed, it will never dull.


The concept of Light Heart is carefree but the construction is uniquely complex. About 100 hours were invested to create a physical, all lasting representation of what optimism is. Freshwater pearls in several shapes and sizes were sourced along with crystal quartz and white topaz gemstones. Hand carved mother of pearl flowers centered with the tiniest of freshwater pearls are featured. Each silk satin flower is molded with shapes cut by rare antique tools and curled by hand, petal by petal. Double faced silk velvet leaves completely made in the Emici Livet studio recall dusty miller. A once in a lifetime arrangement, yet there is no fear of loss. Light Heart would not allow that, it would always cheer you on for what you want and highlight the sun around the corner.


The photos featured here are behind the scenes photos from a photo shoot I attended in southern Oregon for a completely new catalog of head pieces and veils for Eden Luxe Bridal. She is the sweetest and you will be able to shop her new catalog soon. I can’t wait to share the fine art photography films from Meg Fish Photography for this shoot that goes way beyond to feature what these simple phone pics above can capture.


Photo above of Light Heart by Karli Efseaff.

Model hair by Savant Hair

Gown by Jason Alexander

Makeup by Stephanie Ryan

Bouquet by Emici Livet

Hair accessories by Eden Luxe Bridal

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