The smoldering ember within. It is an invigorating spirit of love and passion. The fuel that makes our hearts beat stronger and faster with additional purpose. Marking us forever, our loves are a story that will always dance within our souls. A personal and tailored narrative that makes us who we uniquely are. Emici Livet wants to dance with you in those moments and boldly fan your flames.
Welcome dear friends to the Emici Livet Ember bouquet giveaway. This very special event has been months in the making and is the most grand giveaway the studio has ever offered. Solid bronze leaves were sculpted and cast exclusively for Emici Livet and used in this bouquet. The cutters and molds that shape the black patent and bronze leather leaves are antiques sourced from places all over the world. Some of which needed to be remolded and cast in bronze to be functional again. There are many different leaf shapes and patterns that lend themselves to create the heavily layered base of Ember.
Shiny patent and metallic coated leather leaves alongside solid cast bronze metal leaves contrast beautifully with silk fabrics and crystal. Delicate lace peeks out at various points.
Hand dyed silk fabric was cut and pressed into flower petals and visual fire was added by hand with red accenting. Elements of this bouquet recall to flames reaching upward. Ember features freshwater pearl and crystal sprig branch accents. Tiny crystal centered flowers blush slightly at the outermost edges of their petals. Ember is a demure bouquet measuring about 10 inches tall and about 7 inches wide. This bouquet is priced on the site at $3000 but this is your chance to win this bouquet in this very special Emici Livet event.
This is a very unique and very Emici Livet heirloom bouquet. Ember is meant to symbolize love and passion that remains with you. This bouquet is not only a beautiful and unique option for a bride but would be wonderful for home decoration as well (the Emici Livet office has a gorgeous resident bouquet on the work desk in a vase). Because Emici Livet creates heirloom bouquets, they are meant to go far beyond bridal.
Now for a short personal note and how to enter:
As I have journeyed along, I have felt a fire within that has breathed life into my passions. At different points in time, it was different sources that ignited this. I want the recipient of this bouquet to feel that fire for passion and chase what they love. It is a symbol of support to you just as you have given to me. The work that I strive to create is meant to uplift. More than anything in life, we want love and joy. So it is with this giveaway that I hope to add a small contribution in that spirit. To enter, please leave a comment on this post about what moves your heart. What is your passion? What is your monumental love and dream? I can’t wait to read all of these. You have given me so much and I am hopeful that I can give some of that back. Lots of love to you, forever. -Marie
This giveaway will be open for entries until Tuesday September 20th at 11:59 pm PDT. The winner will be announced in a blog post here on Wednesday September 21st. The winner must contact Emici Livet within 24 hours to claim this prize or it will be forfeited and a back up winner will be selected. Let’s not let that happen! Good luck! xoxoxoxo
I have a passion for traveling. I love to visit new cities and nature sites. I enjoy learning about new cultures and different traditions. I dream of traveling the World and getting to see everything human and God created.
My passion is helping people. When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a nurse. I went to nursing school but because I have a nuturing heart I couldn’t detach from the patients. Now I am a minister. Even though I didn’t fullfill my childhood dream of being a nurse, God called me into ministry. I still am able to help so many people through God’s word and through God’s love.
Teaching. My passion is teaching. Meeting kids and seeing them grow is my joy. Teaching them new things and seeing the wide eyed look on thier faces because they are so fasinated or intrigue about the the world fuels my desire to teach more and to learn more. The gift of appreciation is what I live to them; appreciation for the world around us and even for the small thjngs that they see.
My passion is nursing. I was a very little girl when I realized that my dream was to become a nurse. I saw and felt the compassion, empathy and care that nurses gave my loved ones and myself, and I knew I wanted to pass that on to others. I enter each shift knowing that each patient I encounter is somebody’s loved one – a parent, child, sibling or beloved friend. I am moved with each patient I care for. Each family member I meet. They all teach me new things. My heart grows because of them. Sometimes it breaks because of the struggles and tragedy they encounter. It is my supreme honor to be with families in both difficult and celebratory times.
Passion, what is mine? While surprising hard to articulate, I believe it is seeking the perfection of the connection between two beings. When all the reality of the world dissolves around you and you are in the place with another person when your souls connect. The peace and beauty of connecting with someone, something restores the faith, drive, and force within in to pursue the unimaginable, the impossible, but the “right”. We spend our days distracted, but when we that rare moment, when the boundaries are set aside with the pretenses and the insecurities are shoved aside, we can connect with someone on such a deep, soul level that lifts our spirits, lights our world and gives us the courage to do more, be better, help, and cherish the simplicity in the bond we can create with other humans and our animals. Finding that is as close to bliss, happiness, and it feeds a hungry soul. That is my passion.
My passion is art. Specifically, bringing art into the lives of children. “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” -Pablo Picasso. I work as an elementary art teacher, and volunteer through my church and community to bring art to as many children as possible and in as many ways as I can. Recently, I’ve branched out into theatre arts with my daughter and now volunteer with the Spokane Children’s Theatre, painting props, decorating the lobby, and getting my hands dirty any way they’ll let me. The world needs more art, and the best way to ensure we get that is to raise up the next generation to know and appreciate the arts.❤️
Nice to meet you.I am Japanese include a wedding in November.Such events, thank you really me to hold!
English is the fairly weak, but in order to be more nice wedding, I looked a lot of style and items on the Internet.Also was aware of the Emici Livet’s, because a collection of information on the Internet.
In the current Japan, because the English and the machine is not good people that require effort and a considerable amount of time to get the information of the wedding overseas, became a monopoly that is worth only products that are popular import dress shops are dealing you have.Because I think it is that happy for the bride to use the most favorite ones from among the still not known a lot of nice items, when finished wedding is, summarizes the knowledge gained in the preparation, further, always up-to-date information, I would want to make a web site for the bride as obtained.
What a gift it is to have such an incredible talent, to be able to make people feel through your beautiful work. The first time I saw this bouquet, it brought me back to those Autumn days! The rich vibrant colors made me nostalgic of those warm cozy days ! It didn’t end there , with every unique design and hand painted petal , I felt nostalgic.
My passion is to fully live life & collect experiences ! To cherish memories ! To explore my every senses . To feel the sand in my toes and run my hands through the sea. To fully embrace the simplest things in life that no money can buy .
My monumental love is to embrace these experiences to brings me happiness. It isn’t about always getting what you want , it’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.
I dream of making those around me loved, remembered and important !
Making each and everyday count !
Living my life without regret ! Embracing even the downfalls & finding a silver lining in every situation !
I live to explore and experience!
Life to me is an adventure ! Hence , moving from my home NYC of 30 years to Saudi Arabia , all in the name of Love !
Passion is a funny thing. It allows us to change so many circumstances and live a life of fulfillment and everyone’s passion is different. As a physician assistant (PA) student I have many passions….healing the human body, medical knowledge, and connecting with people come to mind. But my one true passion is helping girls and women who have been sold into a life of human trafficking and sex slavery. This passion stems from an excellent role model: my grandmother. She has taken countless trips around the world; most recently to Cambodia to rescue girls as young as 6 from brothels. Working with these women through half-way houses to teach them skills such as reading, sewing, and cooking she has done so much to not only aid these women, but to encourage me in using my gifts to change this aspect of our world. Last month I travelled to Haiti where I had the opportunity to treat hundreds of patients in rural clinics who had not seen a provider in years. I also traveled to a couple of similar halfway houses run by Hope International where I had the chance to work with women who had been forced into prostitution and living in misery. Providing medical care and working with these women and emotional care allowed me to combine my two greatest passions-medicine and caring for women without a voice. I hope to spend the rest of my life fufilling this passion of helping those who need it the most.
My partner moves me on a daily basis, he is my true love. He loves me for who I truly am. That’s why I am marrying him next year. I can’t wait to have my dream wedding with my dream man. My true dream is to start a beautiful family one day. My passion is make every moment last. My partner join the army last year and we try to make the most of every moment.
My passion is medicine. From a young age I knew I wanted to be a physician and even though no one else in my family had gone to college, I am now almost there!
I also get very passionate about my interests; I think that enthusiastically enjoying something fills the heart with more happiness. Whether it’s the shows I’m watching (The Flash!), current favorite foods (Mac & cheese and ice cream!), or my partner, I passionately love and enjoy things that make me, well, me.
Hi there! I absolutely love how you made this giveaway about something so much more than just entering your email address to win. My biggest passion is connecting with and helping others, especially in the cancer world. My dad passed away from cancer when I was a baby, and just before my seventeenth birthday, I was diagnosed with the same. I thankfully had a relatively easy treatment path, thanks to the incredible research that had been done in between my dad’s diagnosis and my own. I now work for a fundraising event that raises money for rare cancer research – hoping to further the amount of research that is done, so that until the day that cancer has a cure, at least those diagnosed can have an easy experience as well, knowing the research has shown their treatment plan to work.
We are on an incredibly tight budget for our wedding, and this bouquet would not only fit the vibe perfectly (vintage, urban rustic loft venue), but would be the most amazing keepsake to remember the best day of our lives.
Thank you so much for your generosity!
Helping to provide a voice for the voiceless in society is my passion and is what moves my heart. For the past sixteen years, I have marched on the front lines of various social and economic justice movements to fight for basic human needs like a fair wage, equal pay, for equal work, and freedom of speech. Often times, the people being abused and mistreated are not fully aware of how to change the systems that control their city, county or state. Today, I use my passion for advocacy in my capacity in the federal government by ensuring that people are not taken advantage of by unfair or deceptive financial practices and products.
What moves me is to see the beauty in the hearts of humans. There is so much pain in our world, and to see individuals transcend themselves in pursuit of making life safe and healthy and happy for other people is such staunch comfort.
I teach art in Albania, and with some students, there is that moment when they GET IT. They realize that they can take their thoughts and feelings and experiences and physically create something from that, something that other people can then see and appreciate, that connects them to total strangers on a deeply personal level. That moment, when they know they can have a beautiful impact on their communities and their world, is why I teach.
Right now I’m on an extended furlough (to get married! Yay!), and I cannot wait to return in the summer with my husband, where we’ll be able to use our own relationship not only to support each other but also to encourage other artists and dreamers in their quest to infuse our world with beauty, to never stop learning, to carry our world up with our hands and our hearts.
My passion is people. I’m a teacher by profession but when I’m not in school helping little minds to grow & develop into positive and kind young souls, I’m seeking connections with people. With the planet. With my self. I think connection is key and I try daily to seek connections with my fiancé. My family. My friends and myself. Our professions are important however I think what we do and create outside of that is much more important. Seek positivity. Seek creativity. Seek connection. Seek yourself as we are always evolving and changing. Xox
My passion is giving back to the community. I lost my mom a few years ago and planning my wedding without her is devastating. But in my heart of hearts I know she is watching over me and with me on this journey. After my loss, I joined a partnership for lung cancer as a volunteer in addition to my full time job, and have been, and will continue to help raise awareness and funding for the organization in an effort to one day increase survival. I still have hope- that others will get better and fight and I will help in any way possible. My dream is to one day be a mom myself, and make her proud! My memories of her are my joy and she is my guiding spirit!
Passion 💕 You know you’ve found your PURPOSE when you work harder than you’ve ever worked before yet it doesn’t ever feel like ‘work’. You are called to do it again day after day & it’s something that continues to bring you joy because you see that it brings others great joy. Purpose is the reason you are on your journey & passion is the fire that lights the way. xo T
BEAUTIFUL! My passion is love- I love, LOVE!! I enjoy capturing beautiful moments, people, sunsets, mountains, flowers!!! I have tons of dreams and aspirations- my current – my wedding! This bouquet would make my dream come true. I haven’t been able to find one that fits my personality and wedding style but as soon as I saw this I knew it was the missing piece !
Thank you! You work is amazing!
Love, for without love I would not be here. I have experienced a lot of heart ACH, for I have lost a son, a mother, great aunt, aunt, and grandfather all in about a years time. It has changed my life forever and made me grow blosume into a beautiful flower. My passion is live each day with love in my heart and for the compassion of others. To let heavenly father Gide my heart and make something beautiful out of me. My dream is to touch the souls of the people around me,change lives, and to leave a positive uplifting legacy behind.
First of all, thank you for this wonderful opportunity. There are a number of things that I am very passionate about (the difference between seals and sea lions for example, but I digress) but probably the most fitting passion to talk about would be my passion for marriage. I know that sounds a bit silly, but I’d like to explain.
when planning a wedding a few years ago it became obvious to me that there was a severe lacking in my area of places that were cost effective and non-religious. The more I looked into it, the more disappointed I got. Eventually, the thought hit me – “Maybe I could change that” from then on it’s been my idea and goal to open up a one stop wedding “chapel” that would provide everything you would need to have a beautiful wedding (I’m talking officiant, decorations, an assortment of bouquets/corsages, venue, caterer on call, the whole shebang) without the cost and hassle of going it on your own. I’m slowly working my way towards making this dream a reality, and one day I’m hoping to share the passion i have for this cause with the world.
I know this may not be as noble of a calling as some of the other lovely commentators here, but my love for this dream is what drives me through the monotony of my day job, and helps pull me through the bad days where i just want to give up. It’s an idea sparked by love that I hope will only grow as time goes on.
Our lives become meaningful through the impact we make on others, more so than living and working just for ourselves. As we grow, our passion has to inspire others’ passions and dreams. Whatever one’s passion is in life we need to remember that we are all leaders of our own lives. We have the opportunity to bring people together to do something that is bigger than they are as individuals. Realising that purpose is my passion.
To be completely transparent my passions have evolved as I have grown into the woman I am today. I view this fire within me as a transcending light that finds new things to love in what could have previously been overlooked. As a women’s studies and feminist research graduate and now doing my masters in fashion in Atlanta while also planning my wedding, life has never felt so eduring and multidemensional.
Living alone for the first time in such a vulnerable and shifting moment in my life has been challenging. Originally from Toronto, living in Atlanta, engaged to my financé who is working in Doha, and planning a wedding in Barcelona, my passions have literally spead to international destinations.
I hope that being alone during this wedding planning process will allow me to respect my passions further. I want to instill in the minds and hearts of every individual that I encounter that there is no limitation to art, gender, sexuality and indentity. Fashion within a feminist discourse can be contradicting at times however I’ve made it my personal goal to project self-love while dismantling the fear many women have of feeling the need to minimize our self-worth.
I have so much respect for all the brides on both this forum and brides who have made it to their wedding day. It is a challenge! However the passion that lies within all of us is our reason for pushing through all situations, the easy decisions and the challenging ones.
I wish you all the best of luck and a lifetime of self-love and happiness.
My passion in life is helping others. I work with children and adolescents facing the effects of trauma. The work can be very difficult at times, but it’s so worth it when you a real change!
My passion in life is learning, taking in every lesson my life has to offer. I’m a firm believer in that while you are living you’re learning, and I strive to gain as much knowledge as I can.
I’m very passionate about binge watching Netflix shows. And the smell of fresh rain. And mochi ice cream. And the fact that irregardless is not a word. And snuggling with my cat. And that moment right before a kiss. And thinking about the beginning of time.
Music and dance move my heart. Listening to music that penetrates soul.
I’m passionate about social justice and an equitable educational system.
I love water. The ocean. It’s my dream to retire and spend my days near a natural water source and spend my days swimming, floating on my back, looking up at the stars or the clouds.
I have a passion for helping others bring their vision to life. This has taken many forms over the years as I have worked as an editor, a graphic designer and a web developer. Sometimes it is being able to say just the right words and encourage a dear friend to follow their dream. While I enjoy writing, making art or crafts and generally being creative, I find I am most fulfilled when I can use my talents in a way that works towards a larger purpose.
To be honest, upon seeing this bouquet, it made me think about my oldest daughter and the fact that a future wedding could be in the cards soon. It didn’t take me long to realize what my passion in life was. My children. My 5 beautiful daughters. My passion in life is raising these young ladies, nurturing them, and providing them every opportunity I can to help them find their own passions in life. I love watching them find their talents. I love watching them learn and discover their divine nature and individual worth in this world. I love seeing them find their own people that they feel passionate about whether it’s a best girlfriend or a future love. I love watching them experience their dreams coming true from time to time amidst the hardship of growing up. If nothing else, thank you for the opportunity to reflect upon my blessings today!
My passion is to prove that any girl or any woman can do anything that their heart desires, no matter what anyone tells them or what society has made them think or feel! As an architect in downtown Seattle, I deal with these struggles every day. Being a woman in a male dominated field can be very difficult, but it is also extremely rewarding to know that I am making a difference and adding passion to this field, and showing young women to not be afraid of the stigma behind this career. Through my job I mentor high school girls that are interested in the science and architecture field, and I hope that my passions for this topic inspire them and uplift them in a way to not be afraid to fulfill their passions! Women have a different way of viewing the world, embodying both feminine qualities, but also fiery passion and empowerment. To me, this is exactly what ‘Ember’ represents. The bouquet shines with a boldness and a fire, yet is so delicate and beautiful. Every day as a woman in the architecture field, I feel as if I am ‘Ember’, standing delicately, yet glowing brightly and boldly with my passions, proud about what I believe in and proving that women everywhere can do anything their hearts desire! While I am not getting married and would not use this bouquet in a wedding, I would place this on my desk at work so I may glance at it every day, getting filled with fire, inspiration, and passion about what I stand for and what I hope to achieve. Ember is every woman or girl that has been told she can’t do something because of her gender, fighting back with a feminine, bold, wild fiery passion.
My passion is my family, honestly, there is nothing more important to me. I love being able to spend quality time with my immediate and distant family members. I love being able to engage and build an amazing relationship with each and every person that is part of me. I love creating memories, engaging in extensive conversations, I enjoy hosting my family, traveling with them or to see them, and just having them in my life. For me, there is nothing more comforting than holding a special bond and connection with each family member. Family fulfills my soul and I love looking forward to spending more valuable time with all of my family. As I think about what other things move me in life, I would also say life itself. Life is amazing, our world is genius. I enjoy every single moment, challenge and adventure. I especially enjoy these crisp fall mornings with a warm cup of cinnamon coffee and amazing opportunities like the Ember giveaway!
My passion in life is to share love. To love my family and make them happy, especially my parents. To love the vocation that I have chosen; to influence children not just in excelling in academics but as well as becoming productive and significant members of the society even at a young age. To love the man that I will soon be calling my husband, who is also a teacher like I am. And to love the Lord, my God, my Salvation; to serve Him and fulfill my purpose in life.
Sharing love brings happiness. Bringing happiness to people is like reaching out to them as Jesus did, which brings us joy in our hearts and our lives. Love is connected to joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. By having all these present in you, it will reflect on your actions and deeds. And good deeds multiply; it is like a ripple that grows everytime you start one good deed. So, sharing love is to one is the start of a continuous cycle of sharing love to others.
My passion is crafting. There is no greater feeling in the world then when you turn raw materials into something completely different. Right now I’m into knitting and slowly getting into quilting. It never ceases to to amaze me what others and I are able to create from a ball of yarn. My personal dream is to be able to be able to make my clothing one day. My dream for the world is that everyone find one hobby that involves making something and to be able to share it with the world. For there really is no greater gift in the world then a handcrafted item made with care and love. Thanks.
Hi! Thanks for this opportunity because sometimes we forgot to stop and think what it is really important in our lives. I would like to share with you that my passion are my family and friends, my passion is these people I love more than to myself and who frankly give me back that love. They are my passion. (Sorry for my English
My passion is helping the folks cast to the wayside. I’m a social worker who helps adults experiencing severe and persistent mental illness obtain things to help them stabilize in the community, like financial support from Disability, housing, food assistance, medical care and anything else we figure out that could help them. It’s taxing, but also rewarding.
I would so love this. I didn’t know silk flowers could b so glamorous. I’m getting married in July 2017 and this would b a perfect fit. I really need this.
My passion is design. I feel the most excited, free, uninhibited and inspired when I am designing. It doesn’t always even matter what I am designing: tableware, textile patterns, logo graphics, baby gifts, etc. There is something about the process: the research, problem solving to meet specific criteria, sketching possibilities, and bringing something non-existent into existence, whether digital or physical, that makes me feel like the hours are time well spent. Design is the perfect blend of two opposing worlds: the analytical and the creative. I love the idea that I am the created following in the steps of my Creator when I design. I get a glimpse into how much joy goes into creating something polished and valuable out of raw materials.
In addition to raising six wonderful human beings, my dream is to teach others what I know as well as find a way to use my skills to make other’s lives better. I feel very strongly that each of us is in a position to affect others, to ease their suffering, encourage them, help them change their course in life. I don’t want the epilogue of my life to merely describe my creative abilities or the fact that I had a large family. I want it to describe the ways I helped those in my sphere of influence and inspire others to look around them and see how they can help with what they have.
It didn’t take me long to figure out my passion. My children are my passion. Why? I lost my first child to miscarriage because I was unable to carry him to term. When I got pregnant with my son after that I wqs placed on bedrest for months, had to have surgery to keep him in , and surgeragain to get him out (lol). Now I have three sons, who are all healthy and taller than me. I hsve never experienced such a deep love before because it took a great deal for them to be here. When I see them I am reminded of the enormous strength and endurance that women possess, and our unrelenting drive to help them become successful, productive citizens. They are my passion, they are the fire that keeps me going when I want to give up. They are my daily inspiration.
My passion is cooking. I enjoy cooking to bring friends and family together. I enjoy the beauty of food, playing with colors and inhaling and creating various flavourful aromas. There is nothing more satisfying than brining joy with food. A good meal is always well remembered and fulfilling cravings is a pleasure. I cook for fun, when I am happy or sad, and for friends or strangers. I enjoy the delight of making something so good and powerful and sharing it or making it to bring others together.