The challenge was a simple and fun one. Create a ring bearer pillow for a Cinderella inspired photo shoot. It brought me back to being a little girl, watching my VHS animated Cinderella for the 112th time. Yes, that’s right, be kind and rewind. Disney has remade its animated classic into a live action movie and the enduring allure of Cinderella has been taken to even higher peaks. For me, and many others, the most iconic part of the movie is Cinderella’s enchanted ball gown.
Now please excuse me while I put on my fairy godmother hat. If I were a fairy godmother, I know that I would never skimp on ruffle or sparkle. My design began with a pillow base of the palest icy blue silk satin. Now here comes the horse drawn carriage of drama. Blue washed out waves and waves of couture pleated tulle. Each ruffle is a layer of bias hand cut dupioni silk that has been ruffled between no less than three layers of pleated tulle. Each cascade falls into another creating a crescendo of texture. Now fear not, there is no need to worry that this pillow will turn back into something else at the stroke of midnight. Fairy magic is permanent in the Emici Livet studio.
Another view of the way light can play with pleating. Shadows and angles change what you may see.
A heavily jeweled band of Swarovski crystals and rhinestones in clear and ab runs diagonal across the entire front. The back is tufted with a glass button of course. A dedication to the famous glass slipper. So what do you think? Have you seen the new Cinderella movie? If you have little princes or princesses I would get in my pumpkin and take them. This one of a kind ring bearer pillow will be available for purchase soon on my site. Of course I would love to hear your thoughts below. Until next time. Lots of love dear friends. Xoxo. -Marie