Hello dear friends, I am finally here with you and can breathe a grateful sigh of relief. The preparation for getting to what amounts to as the first of many mile markers in a this new road was mountainous. A little background on me. I have been fortunate enough to be able to design previously as Emici Bridal. I adore what I do and as ideas began to naturally progress for me, it became apparent that my reach was limited by being defined as only for “bridal”. Seeing my pieces go to excited couples who would share one of the most important days in their lives with me through my work made my heart soar. So much so, that I dreamt of how wonderful it would be to extend that reach. So it was with a lot of thought, Emici Livet was born. Livet is Norwegian for “the life” and represents to me that life is the celebration. I have two children who have inspired so much in me. Watching them experience things for the very first time opened my eyes even more to the fact that opportunity for amazing things really was all around us. Sometimes we need to make the choice to wear that dress we have been saving. Use that fancy plate or goblet that has been sitting in the cabinet. Organize a masquerade party. Go to that concert nobody else wants to go to and listen to music flow through the air. I would hope that my children seize those opportunities that make them happy. Make them feel like they are taking advantage of special moments they have in their journey. Sharing when they can with loved ones and being present in the moment. In essence, the gift I would most like to give to them, is the feeling that they should celebrate life.